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Spider man
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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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After I finish this article, the world will be saved!

Malaria is a fictional kingdom and the setting for Igor. It is also the home of the titular character.

Originally, Malaria started out as a sunny, happy land of farmers. But then, mysterious storm clouds appeared and started killing the crops and the people became poor. The ruler, King Malbert thought of a way to save money by creating evil inventions. But, it was later on found out that Malbert was behind the storm clouds and purposely killed Malaria's crops so he could finance his "evil inventions" scheme and remain in power. When Igor and his friends discovered his plot they exposed him to the citizens and Malbert was crushed to death by his own cloud machine. Because of this, the sun came back and Malaria became a better place with Igor as the new ruler.


  • It is named after the real-life disease of the same name.