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Spider man
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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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After I finish this article, the world will be saved!

The Justice League Watchtower was the headquarters of the Justice League of America. The Watchtower was constructed of promethium and used highly advanced Martian, Thanagarian, Kryptonian, and Earth technology. The arrival of Orion and Big Barda added the technology of New Genesis and Apokolips to the systems within.

The Watchtower was destroyed by Superboy-Prime and superseded by the The Hall, based on Earth, and Satellite Watchtower in space.


The Watchtower has been shown as being on the moon, the base is supplied with the most highly advanced technology of many planets including Earth, Thanagar, Mars, Krypton, New Genesis and Apokolips as members hail from these various planets. It is made of promethium, a nigh-indestructible metal. Since it is not on Earth, it can be reached through the use of its teleportation tubes.

Rooms in it include: The Hall of Justice, Promenade, Monitor Womb, Trophy Room, Armory/Hangar, Hydroponics, Aquarium, Power Core, Recreation Area, Holographic Training Room, Laboratories, Med-Lab, Technology/Engineering Workshops, Containment Cells and each members individual private quarters.


