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Hell Diver is a variable-sweep winged fighter plane that first appears in Raiden Fighters 2: Operation Hell Dive and its sequel, Raiden Fighters Jet. It is also the protagonist of the RF2(when the game begins the selection cursor points at the Hell Diver at the select screen). It is known for being an all around jet and easy-to-handle for all types of players. At the end of every level, it moves its wings back before speeding off.


Raiden Fighters 2: Operation Hell Dive[]


Hell Diver is created after the first Great War of Raiden Fighters ended, in which revolutionary forces ousted a military dictator from power and took over the control of the country. Four years passed since the war concluded, but the dictator's side refused to acknowledge the new government as legitimate, and skirmishes continued. Loyalists under the dictator used the four years to rebuild their defeated military. With the preparation complete, the dictator's loyalists began attacking the fledging new government in a reverse of roles. The new government military formed a new fighter squadron and launches counterattack operation which, if successful, would change the tide of the battle and give the new government military a decisive advantage.

The operation is called Hell Dive. Meanwhile, New government's air force just successfully created a first generational twin-engine jet fighter. The air force christened its first jet fighter with Hell Diver, bearing the name of the operation which holds the fate of the newly hatched government's life. Hell Diver, along with its fellow prop-engine fighters, sets off to protect the newfound government and to destroy the tenacious enemy forces that should have been eradicated four years ago. Expected to be a major technological leap in aviation and military, Hell Diver outclassed every single fighter the Dictator's military is capable of fielding. After flying over 7 battles over various environments of the planet Cranass, Hell Diver and its prop-engine fellow fighters penentrated the enemy stronghold and destroyed the enemy forces' ultimate weapon, Red Eye.

Although the operation was immensely successful and dictator's military is once again dealt with devastating losses, the enemy is still not eradicated and the game's ending message hinted that one day the dictator's remnant forces would resurge when least expected.

Raiden Fighters JET[]


Hell Diver makes its appearance in Raiden Fighters JET. It continues to serve for the new military while its sister prop-engined fighters during Operation Hell Dive since then retired from service by having been converted to simulation mechanism. Hell Diver, like Aegis before it, had transitioned its role as the protagonist to the second generational jet fighter named Ixion. But Ixion cannot be driven for free; the chosen pilot of Ixion must undergo a series of rigorous but necessary simulated combat trainings (simulation includes battling enemy bosses from previous games) to have its pilot prepared, as Ixion holds a key to eradicate the remnants of the evil dictator's military. If the pilot passes his/her simulation training, then he/she is entrusted to pilot Ixion and that is when the real final battle begins when the dictator's remnant forces launches a surprise attack upon the government forces. But if the pilot does not pass the simulation training, then he/she is told to do better, and the game ends.

Powers and abilities[]

The Boomerang Laser is an excellent weapon against many types of foes. The Charged Laser special is very powerful, releasing a finishing blast. The missile weapon consists of run-of-the-mill pseudo-homing missiles in Raiden Fighters 2: Operation Hell Dive and splash bombs in Raiden Fighters Jet, both which charged attacks consist of a barrage of missile sent at the enemy. On some RF2 machines the Hell Diver is available for you to select. On others, you have to rely on pure luck to select it from the Random Ship Selector with question mark at the bottom right corner of the screen. This is the only secret fighter that behaves like the seven standard planes (can only use one type of weapon, carries two bombs on each new life, uses charged attacks, slaves assume formations during charged attacks). This is a popular plane among players of all skill levels.



  • In the original conception, shortly after the completion of simulation training, Hell Diver was supposed to go along with Ixion for real battle(which are the last two stages in the game) in two-player mode but is scrapped and is instead programmed to have two Ixions. But these two Ixions look alike and can only be distinguished by different sub-weapons they use, which makes co-op game play very problematic. Fortunately, in the Xbox 360 adaptation of RF JET, this issue was fixed.


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Raiden | Raiden β

Viper Phase 1
Judge Spear | Blue Javelin

Raiden Fighters
Aegis | Beast | Chaser | Devastator/Eraser | Endeavor | Death Header | Flying Ray | Griffin | Hell Diver | Ixion
