The Hall of Justice is the headquarters of the Super Friends, in the eponymous animated series. It has subsequently been incorporated into the DC Comics main shared universe, the DC Universe as the new headquarters of the Justice League.
The Hall of Justice was constructed by the Justice League of America following a year after the destruction of the previous Justice League Watchtower, and located in Washington, D.C. and in the same location as the JSA and All-Star Squadron original headquarters.
The Hall was designed by John Stewart and Wonder Woman, and financed by Batman and built from scratch by Superman.
The Hall was later appropriated by the United Nations as the headquarters for the new Justice League International. This causes public outrage, with many citizens taking offense to the idea of superheroes from foreign countries using an American landmark as their base of operations, and cause a few civilians to blow up the Hall while the JLI was away on a mission.
The basement of the Hall was used as the new burial place for the fallen heroes that were formerly buried at Valhalla Cemetery. The exact location of the burial place was four hundred yards below the main building and it served the purpose of protecting the bodies of the fallen heroes from being desecrated by evil forces.
In the animated series, it was not exactly clear if the Hall of Justice was located in Gotham City or in Metropolis. In the Super Friends Comic Book issue #2, Wonder Dog leaves the Hall only to enter Gotham Garden a few moments later. Then a few issues later, in #11, the location is confirmed to be in Gotham. Also, in the TV Series, Gotham and Metropolis appear to be adjacent. This is confirmed to be true in issue #14, Robin exits the Hall and says that he'll cycle "across the bridge to Metropolis".
By 1984, the Hall was drastically altered from the original design. It was not only much bigger, but it had more of a pentagon-like shape, with far more domes. The Justice League Monitor was even larger, more panoramic in design. More details about this Hall can be read down below.
The Hall was basically an armored fortress, painted white with a large, arched facade with large glass windows, and the Hall of Justice name marked out on the arch. It was mainly surrounded by a large lawn, with a large fountain with a golden sculpture in its' center lying directly in front of it. Occasionally, Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet and/or the Batmobile would be seen parked on the lawn area.