Heroism Wiki

Spider man
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Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With great power comes great responsibility."

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After I finish this article, the world will be saved!

The Creature Power Suit is a special system created by Aviva that gives the user the certain abilities of various animals.

Aviva spent nearly a year - eleven months, two weeks, and three hours to be exact - on the construction of the suits. The suit is in the form of a vest equipped with a disc slot and DNA scanner gloves. To activate the suit, the user must have the right disc and touch the creature. When the suits are activated, it generates a form that gives the user powers of the animal.




They have some very strong weaknesses as well. Such as being pretty sensitive to sharp objects and even food damaging them.

Another weakness is that the instinctive animal behavior will sometimes affect the user, causing them to even behave like the animal they become.
