Heroism Wiki

In many settings, every Alignment is used to determine a character's moral decisions. Some support this system, while others find it limiting- regardless of the controversy, alignment often plays a large role in the development of heroes and villains, with many (if not all) heroes in fiction being able to be classed into some form of alignment.

Of course, "Evil" Alignments, are exclusively for villains; thus, they are ignored from this; however, neutral alignments are not since neutral characters (at least in the sense found in this wiki) can still be valid.

Lawful Good (Crusaders)[]

Heroes of the "Lawful Good" alignment are characters who play by the rules, as well as are righteous people who support the law and order, and promote justice first. They also believe that laws exist to further the public good, and that fairness and equality before the law are necessary for good to truly exist. These heroes never choose to put the law above doing good, as they do not want innocent people being negatively affected as a consequence. Righteous knights, paladins, cops and morally sound doctors and scientists fulfill this alignment.

Neutral Good (Benefactors)[]

Neutral Good heroes are the most altruistic of all aligned characters. In fact, they are arguably the best of heroes as they are ones who are driven purely by their conscience, and will in essence do anything to do the right thing. They often comply with laws, but may rebel against them if they consider one of them to be unjust. Likewise, these characters believe in doing what is right and may sacrifice personal happiness, perhaps even in advance, in pursuit of that. Neutral Good characters are quite indifferent to order and chaos, as their only interest is in doing good. They will use whatever means will promote the most good, whether that means tearing down a code of laws, following a code of laws, creating an orderly society, causing the breakdown of harmful kinds of order, or staying away from society altogether. Many pacifists, most noble vigilantes, and many superheroes fulfill this alignment.

Chaotic Good (Rebels)[]

Chaotic Good characters favor change for a greater good, and openly refuse to let laws and regulations get in the way of social improvement. Additionally, they place a high value on personal freedom, not only for themselves, but for others as well. Therefore, Chaotic Good heroes believe that their own consciences are their best guides and that tying themselves to any given code of conduct would be limiting their own ability to do good. Many freedom fighters, more noble thieves, and more pragmatic heroes fulfill this alignment.

Lawful Neutral (Judges)[]

Lawful Neutral are characters who hold law, sometimes a code of honor, and personal moral codes very highly. Likewise, they commonly impose strict rules, and traditions, although sometimes unfair, they genuinely believe what they're doing is for the best.

True Neutral (Undecided)[]

Are in essence heroes who never feel that strongly about any alignment, and will normally follow the one that will help them the most at that moment. They are generally the more antagonistic heroes, but they are the best of Anti-Heroes.

Chaotic Neutral (Free Spirits)[]

Chaotic Neutral characters do anything they want to do. However they often hold themselves to a personal code of honor, and will normally stop themselves before they do anything to evil.
