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The Cat-Car is a vehicle from the show PJ Masks. It is driven by and belongs to bluecat. It is believed to be the fastest vehicle out of the three and is the only vehicle that is built in the style of a real car.


In "Heroes of the Sky," the original incarnation of the vehicle was destroyed when Romeo decided to drain the PJ Masks' powers from the PJ Crystal Totem. However, an upgraded incarnation of the vehicle was created by the PJ Power Crystals.


The Cat Car is blue in color with light blue light-up wheels and two headlights.


  • Cat Roar: The ability to emit sonic sounds which cause disruption to electronics.
  • Super Speed: The vehicle has a turbo feature, enabling it to move faster.
  • Fire Furballs: Projectile "furballs" can be launched from the grille.
  • Eject: The spring-loaded ability to push Catboy and other PJ Masks out of the vehicle in an emergency, equipped with a parachute for safe landing.