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The Beast class fighters are a main line of fighters in the Raiden Fighters series. Beast series are created in direct opposite concept of Chaser class fighters by focusing all about power. Although very successful in that regard, Beast's immense firepower is achieved at the expense of speed. Beasts are slow and lumbering flyer and that means they are potentially easy targets for enemy forces. Thus, in game Beast class fighters are to be controlled by expert players who can make the best of Beast's superb firepower and recommended for co-op play.


Beast Arrow[]


Beast Arrow is a constant-chord winged fighter which was created with the concept to possess strongest firepower capable of single-handedly dominating the battlefield. But some flaws were discovered during its test flight. First issue was that all numerous armaments which made Arrow powerful made the plane slow and being slow renders Arrow vulnerable to enemy crafts in the thick of battle. Second issue is while its charged special attack does its job admirably when launched in its initial phase, its power starts to decrease noticeably as seconds pass before dissipating. Third issue was that its charged special attack suffers lag time considerably, making Beast Arrow difficult to survive against hordes of oncoming enemies while waiting to recharge. Before Arrow's problems can be properly fixed the first Great War between the revolutionary and the militarist government broke out, and revolutionary's Gun Dog squadron that owned Arrow was forced to deploy Arrow hastily as the revolutionary suffered defeats in naval battles, allowing the enemy forces to gain the control of the sea.

With supports from Gun Dog fighters, Beast Arrow was able to fulfill what it was made to do: unload death and destruction upon enemy forces. After overwhelming enemy Battalions and enabling Gun Dog fighters regain control of territories, Arrow along with Gun Dog fighters smashed through the enemy's fortress and its final unit, braving all sorts of savage bullet-hells, Arrow delivered the final blow at the leader of enemy's final defense mechanism, Rafflesia. The war is won, and the defeated enemy were forced to abandon the capital and flee after hurriedly gathering whatever men and equipment they can salvage. With the revolutionary taking the control of the government and Gun Dog officially integrated as the new government's air force, brilliant minds of the military science department underwent a major modification of Beast Arrow to reinforce its weaknesses and even enhance its strength. After the reconstruction is done, Beast Arrow is rechristened as Beast Wing.

Beast Wing[]


Beast Wing is formerly a powerful fighter known as Beast Arrow that underwent some modification and upgrades. Its wings have been altered to more tapered constant-chord, laser beam weapon had been taken off and given to Eraser fighter and L-based weaponry was replaced with even more powerful flame thrower (apparently in planet Cranass fire is stronger than laser) which inflicts extensive damage to enemies. Unfortunately, Arrow's problems of slowness and the lag during special weapons charge still persisted even after 4 years. So Gun Dog squadron was forced to alter Wing's purpose as to what Arrow was originally built for: Wing is not to go astray from its sister Gun Dog fighters and stay with them. But then the ousted dictator's forces, having utilized 4 years of temporary peace to rebuild their ravaged military and formed a new militarist state unleashed an onslaught upon the fledging government's authority by overrunning its military, wrestling some of its regions, triggering the second Great War.

A counterattack operation designed to change the tide of the war called Operation Hell Dive was initiated, and Beast Wing was ordered scramble along with its sisterfighters from Gun Dog squadron. Once again, Beast Wing rained down death and destruction upon enemies as it once did as Beast Arrow four years ago. After devastating enemies and freeing occupied lands Beast Wing along with other Gun Dog fighters penetrated deep into enemy's new capital, destroyed the enemy's weapons factory and its secret weapon named Red Eye. With Operation Hell Dive's success, the enemy force was once more dealt with crippling losses and was routed back to their country. Although Operation Hell Dive would go down in one of greatest battle in military history, the enemy forces led by the dictator are still existent and would someday try their luck again as they did before.

Raiden Fighters JET[]


Beast Wing makes its return in RF JET as one of playable crafts. Since Operation Hell Dive, Beast Wing and other Gun Dog prop-engine fighters had been retired from frontline service as they became obsolete in an era of jet fighters. Nevertheless, Beast Wing is converted into simulation mechanism, and pilots use Beast Wing to become better pilots through various virtual reality battles fought in two previous Great wars. But Beast Wing being a slow flyer, the training would be especially tough for pilots who chooses this simulation mechanism. Should a pilot distinguish himself/herself in the virtual reality training which Beast Wing offers, he/she may receive an honor of piloting the air force's newest jet fighter called Ixion. If the chosen pilot performs poorly, the simulation ends prematurely and is told to do better, and the game ends. But if the pilot passes simulation through impressive performance, he/she passes the training test and he/she receives an urgent order to scramble Ixion and fight the resurgent dictator's remnant forces in real battle. Beast Wing then is not seen again for the rest of the game.


Beast Arrow[]

Beast Wing[]


           Raiden Logo

Raiden | Raiden β

Viper Phase 1
Judge Spear | Blue Javelin

Raiden Fighters
Aegis | Beast | Chaser | Devastator/Eraser | Endeavor | Death Header | Flying Ray | Griffin | Hell Diver | Ixion
